Channel: Rafi-Asha Bhonsle duet – Atul’s Song A Day- A choice collection of Hindi Film & Non-Film Songs
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Chhod arrey jaa mujhe na pakad


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Blog Day :

4305 Post No. : 15575

Blog 10-Year Challenge (2010-2020) – Song No. 25

Today is 1 may 2020, viz the first day of the fifth month of the year 2020.

When I look back on this day ten years ago, I find that three songs were covered that day (1 may 2010). These songs were :-

Song Movie title-Year Remarks
Uff ye Jawaani ye adaa Mehmaan-1974 03 of 06 songs posted
Tumhaari mast nazar gar idhar nahin hoti Dil Hi To Hai-1963 All songs covered
Pyaar to ik din honaa thaa Ek Shrimaan Ek Shrimati-1969 05 songs posted

So it means that two movies are eligible for “Blog Ten year challenge” today.

One of these two movies is “Mehmaan”(1974).

This movie had six songs in it. Three of these songs have been covered in the blog. The movie made its debut ibn the blog this day ten years ago !

Here are the three songs of “Mehmaan”(1974) that have been covered so far:-

Song Posted On
Uff ye Jawaani ye adaa 01.05.2010
Meri chaahat rahegi hameshaa jawaan 26.04.2012
Ram Raheem Krishn Kareem … 25.10.2017

I may have discussed three songs from the movie, but these songs were spaced several years apart. Second song from the movie was discussed in 2012 and the third in 2017.

So, despite covering three songs from the movie, I do not remember anything about this movie. So when I watched the song under discussion today, I had some great and inadvertent fun watching the picturisation. I could see a very young Rekha lip syncing in Asha Bhonsle’s voice, but who was the gentleman, jumping up and down. He appeared somewhat familiar ! And then it hit me, Arrey, it was Vishwajeet ! He was well past his prime by 1974, but he was still trying to turrn the clock back rather valiantly. 🙂

The song starts being a motor boat song. Then the duo shift to a park, where the song becomes a classic running around the trees song- as I S Johar would have described it. 🙂

Then the duo jump over on a jeep. REnd of the song finds Rekha alighting from the jeep and walking off in a huff, determined not to go back to the jeep. But she quickly has a change of heart when she finds monkeys ahead. 🙂

Lyrics are by Sahir Ludhianvi. Normally known for penning songs espousing the caause of social justice, communal harmony, women emancipation and other such noble causes, here he is called upon to pen a raather more mundane kind of a song- viz a romantic song. And the lyrics are quite cute. “Chhoona mat mujhe”- is the warning issued by the lady. “royegi jo chhoone waala koi na mila”- is the response. Then she relents and sets the terms that she is agreeable to this “chhoona” business provided it is carried out gently. 🙂

Quite an interesting and fun song, even if much of the fun is inadvertent. This is a song from nearly five decades ago. I have been watching this song and listening to it for the first time in true tubelight fashion. I got to watch this song only because the lyrics of this song were sent to me by Avinash Scrapwala.


Song-Chhod arrey ja mujhe na pakad (Mehmaan)(1973) Singers-Asha Bhonsle, Rafi, Lyrics-Sahir Ludhianvi, MD-Ravi

Lyrics(Provided by Avinash Scrapwala)

Arey ja
Mujhe na pakad
Arey ja
Mujhe na pakad
Meri jaan
Aise na bigad
Arey aise na bigad

Arey ja
Mujhe na pakad
Meri jaan
Aise na bigad arey aise na bigad

arey ja ja
Mujhe na pakad

Karne ko kar chaahe jitne jatan
Chhoone nahin doongi tujhe apna badan
Karne ko kar chaahe jitne jatan
Chhoone nahin doongi tujhe apna badan
Chhoone nahin doongi tujhe apna badan
Arey maan
Peechhe nahin pad
Haaye meri jaan
Aise na bigad arre aise na bigad

Arey ja
Mujhe na pakad

Royegi jo chhoone waala koi na mila
Karegi akele me naseebon ka gila
O ho
Royegi jo chhoone waala koi na milaa
Karegi akele mein naseebon ka gilaa
Karegi akele mein naseebon ka gilaa

Idhar aa
Yoonhi na akad
Haaye meri jaan
Aise na bigad arey aise na bigad

arey ja ja
Mujhe na pakad

Chhoona hai to seekh zaraa chhoone ka chalan
Aise nahin chhoo ke mera dukhe saara tan
Chhoona hai to seekh zaraa chhoone ka chalan
Aise nahin chhoo ke mera dukhe saara tan
Aise nahin chhoo ke mera dukhe saara tan
Zaraa door door
Baazu na ragad
meri jaan aise na bigad
Arey aise na bigad

ho Chhod
arey ja
mujhe na pakad
Haaye ae meri jaan
aise na bigad
Arey aise na bigad


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